Monday, 24th March 2025
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Monday, 24th March 2025


At Passion for the Sea every week we challange you so that you show us that, the same as us, you feel true passion for the sea and know all the spots at the Balearic Islands, other than the different nautical, disciplines 

En Pasión por el Mar te ponemos cada semana a prueba para que nos demuestres que, al igual que nosotros, sientes verdadera pasión por el mar y conoces todos los rincones de las Islas Baleares, además de las distintas nautical disciplines, flora and fauna that inhabit our Mediterranean Sea and, of course, the most important sportsmen and women in the world of Balearic sailing.

The world of nautical competition is constantly changing, sometimes forcing young sailors to adapt during their professional career to different types of boats or boards, either because of their physical evolution or because the class in which they competed has become obsolete and has been changed for another type of boat.

Over the years, boats have been evolving and including new technologies and aerodynamic engineering tools in their designs to make them lighter, more ecological, faster or more resistant to the passage of time and corrosion from sea salt.

So we want you to share your wisdom with us and answer a simple question:


What activity is behind this image?

1px black
1px black
Active competition
Guess the ship

Guess the ship

Competition dates:
From 09-05-2022 to 25-05-2022

Sign up with your email:

Competition bases

Remeber that to participate you have to follow Passion for the Sea on social media (Facebook or Instagram) and comment on the post of the competition with the correct answer and mention a friend. As well, keep in mind to give us your email to be able to contact you if you happen to be the winner. The more times you participate more are the options to win one of our bug prizes.

Every week we draw among the participants that follow the requirements three prizes for example  acuatic action cameras, entrance tickets to nautical events and marine parcs, sport clothes of high quality, bottles of mallorcan ‘ginebra’, fun island puzzles…

Last competition
Guess which place it is

Guess which place it is

Competition dates:
From 07-04-2022 to 27-04-2022

Competition winner:
Los Faros del Mundo, Guacimara Velasco Pérez, Jose Antonio García Caldas y Jose Antonio Sintes Tari

Competition bases

We want to test your knowledge about our Balearic Islands and see if you know well enough the balearic coast, or if you are more likely to go to the same places. Through this competition you will discover small paradises hiden in our islands that will for sure make you fall in love if you don't know about them.

So we answer a simple question: What is the place behind this image?

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