Thursday, 13th March 2025
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Thursday, 13th March 2025
A summer learning to sail at Club Nàutic Sa Ràpita

A summer learning to sail at Club Nàutic Sa Ràpita

1st May 2024 by Nautimedia

On Monday 15th of April, the members of the CNR received a communication informing them that, exclusively, the reservation period for the Summer School of the Club Nàutic Sa Ràpita (CNR) had opened, the rest of the interested parties will be able to register from the 1st of May.


The deadline for registration is 5 days before the start of the course, as long as there are places available. Those registrations made before the 15th of  May 2024 will receive a 5% discount.

The course season will start on the 24th of June and end on the 6th of September. These summer courses encompass the most popular nautical disciplines, including sailing, paddle surfing, kayaking and windsurfing and represent a fantastic opportunity for children and adults to learn or improve their skills in different nautical disciplines. This year, there will be no canteen service, but there will be a nursery service. Another novelty is that this year, the minimum age for accessing the courses will be 4 years old or, to be more precise, children who will be 4 years old in 2024 will be able to register.

Members registering for the Summer School for the first time should send an email to indicating their membership number or name, as well as the name of the pupil they wish to register and their date of birth.

Registration for the children's summer school can be done here:

This year, those adults interested in learning or improving their skills in disciplines such as paddle surfing, kayaking, windsurfing or hobie cat will be able to access, from mid-June to mid-September, private courses adaptable to the hours they need, with the possibility, also, of renting all the material necessary for the practice of these disciplines at the club. These are private individual classes, although it will be possible to hire vouchers for groups of family or friends. Those interested can contact the Sailing Section of the CNR.

The school is organized into the following categories according to age and sailing discipline:

Menuts: Age: from 4 to 5 years old / Sailing activities on the beach - Timetable: from 9 am to 1 pm, Monday to Friday.

Mini Rotational: Age: 6 to 7 years old / Activities: Hobie Cat, Dam 5.5, Laser Pico/Topaz, sailing activities on the beach - Timetable: from 9am to 1pm, Monday to Friday.

Rotational: Age: 8 to 15 years / Activities: Hobie Cat, Dam 5.5, windsurfing, Laser Pico/Topaz, nautical activities on the beach - Timetable: from 9am to 1pm, Monday to Friday.

Children's Windsurfing: Age: 10 to 15 years / Activity: windsurfing - Timetable: 10am to 1pm, Monday to Friday.

Youth Windsurfing: Age: From 13 to 16 years old / Activity: windsurfing - Timetable: from 3pm to 6pm, Monday to Friday.


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A summer learning to sail at Club Nàutic Sa Ràpita
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