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Club Nàutic Sant Antoni increases safety measures for activities in the bay

Club Nàutic Sant Antoni increases safety measures for activities in the bay

16th August 2023 by Agencies

The Sports Area of Club Nàutic Sant Antoni (CNSA) has developed a new protocol to take extreme precautions during the summer months, with the aim of ensuring safety in the development of the activities that take place in the port and the bay.


To this end, it currently has a fleet of ten dinghies, in addition to promoting a specific safety plan so that the increase in port traffic and other factors do not affect the activities.

This plan determines the specific navigation zones and the protocols that CNSA users must comply with in order to be able to carry out their sporting activities with adequate safety margins. The reason that has led to promote this new tool is due to the fact that this summer is registering more maritime traffic than in previous years, a situation caused by the increase of boats, jet skis and boats without license.

Thanks to the preventive safety plan promoted by the Club Nàutic Sant Antoni, in which the whole team is fully involved, the athletes, many of them children and teenagers, continue practicing sport with all the guarantees. However, the CNSA considers it advisable to inform all those who sail in the bay about the need to take extreme precautions. Sometimes, Es Nàutic technicians witness risky situations caused by some people who do not respect the safety distances and speed limits, as well as other details characteristic of inexperienced sailors and nautical training.

Since the beginning of the season, fleets of boats from other areas of the Mediterranean have appeared, which in many cases anchor illegally on the Posidonia meadow and end up dumping waste in the bay. "The safety and care of the biodiversity and the quality of the sea water must always come before any other interest", the club assures.

For all these reasons and in order to ensure the available space and safety, the CNSA has decided to delay some scheduled events to later dates, such as the Day of the Canoe, which will be held in September, instead of August as it had been doing for more than twenty years.

On the other hand, we are working on the possibility of delimiting a practice area free of anchoring and traffic. Thanks to the support of the City Council of Sant Antoni, with the direct involvement of the mayor, Marcos Serra, and the current councilor for Safety, Works and Infrastructure and formerly responsible for Environment, Neus Mateu, it has been possible to enjoy in recent years a safe channel for canoeing. Currently, work is underway to create more enclosed areas for sailing and windsurfing athletes.

"The competent authorities, the nautical companies and the associations that represent them, and all the users of the bay in general, must join forces to control bad practices and, above all, the safety of the activities," the club acknowledges.


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