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Discover the mysteries hidden in the waters of Dredge

Discover the mysteries hidden in the waters of Dredge

6th December 2023 by Nautimedia

Are you passionate about fishing but don't have time to go out to sea? Do you want to learn how to catch some of the most incredible fish in the world? Now you can become a professional fisherman without leaving your home. Are you still wondering how? At Passion for the Sea we have the secret, and it's through video games.


Fishing is one of the most represented activities in video games, whether as a way to pass the time in the big open worlds, as mini-games to get additional rewards or as a central axis around which a whole story is built. Today we are going to talk about Dredge, an indie game that puts fishing at the center of its gameplay while adding touches of inventory management and horror. Are you ready to join us in the fog and discover all the secrets of this addictive video game without having to lose your patience and without having to clean fish?

In Dredge we play a fisherman who has just arrived to a mysterious archipelago where we will try to make a living doing what we do best, fishing. Fishing is the main mechanic of the game and for this we will have different gear, such as rods, nets or traps, which will allow us to catch different types of fish. Once we have finished our day, we can sell our catch to local businesses. However, we will have to be quick, because as the fish lose freshness, they will also lose value.

But it's not just fish we can catch in Dredge. Thanks to a special tool, which is unlocked at the beginning of the game, we can also dredge the depths of the sea. In this way, we can collect different resources such as metal, wood or cloth that will allow us to improve our boat.

Although it is not only fish that take up space, rods, spotlights and engines will also take up space. That's why we should consider having a better boat or one with more capacity. However, no matter how much cargo capacity we have, we must be very careful not to collide, as we could damage the boat and lose free space in our hold to store goods and gear.

Making a living from fishing in a beautiful archipelago may seem idyllic, but all that glitters is not gold. Dredge also has a horror component. During the day everything is perfect, apart from a few monstrous creatures that want to eat us, but at night things change. When night falls, the fog appears, preventing us from clearly seeing the obstacles in our path.  This fog hides unimaginable horrors that can drive us to madness, which is why it is very important to carry light on our boat, as it will prevent our madness meter from reaching its maximum. The most logical thing to do is to avoid fishing at night, however, there are many species of fish that can only be caught when the sun goes down, so you know the saying: if you don't risk it, you don't win.

The game is not only about fishing, selling and improving our boat, but also has a system of missions that are revealed in the form of assignments for the inhabitants. Through these quests we will get new upgrades for our boat as well as gradually unraveling all the secrets of the archipelago. Dredge was released in March 2023 and is available for all new and old generation systems as well as MAC. Despite being a small indie game from the outstanding developer Team17 it is a beautiful, fascinating and addictive work of art that we highly recommend.


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