Friday, 18th October 2024
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Friday, 18th October 2024
Economy, sustainability & artificial intelligence protagonists of the Nautical Congress in Bilbao

Economy, sustainability & artificial intelligence protagonists of the Nautical Congress in Bilbao

7th February 2024 by Agencies

The 11th edition of the Nautical Congress will open its doors on March the 7th and will bring to the stage four star presentations within its agenda sharing space with the debates of maximum interest that will occupy the round tables of the two days.


Fernando Trías de Bes, economic analyst, writer and one of the most brilliant Spanish experts in disruptive innovation, will shed light on the present and future situation of the economic scenario. His lecture Economic outlook for 2024: against all odds will take place on March the 7th at 9:45 am.

Inma Shara, a virtuoso of the fourth art and one of only six women in the world to conduct the most important symphony orchestras, will be the protagonist of the motivational conference, one of the most stimulating and eagerly awaited moments for the congress participants. Her performance with the lecture The invisible baton: leadership that generates harmony will take place on March the 7th at 10:30 am.

David Baixauli, Director of Sustainability at LaLiga and a leading expert in sports management, will explain how the sport of soccer has integrated sustainability in management and in its relations with society, and how sailing can follow in its footsteps. His lecture, Keys to corporate governance in the face of the regulatory "tsunami" on sustainability, will take place on March the 7th at 12:30 pm.

Alex Rayon, one of the leading exponents in the knowledge of Artificial Intelligence in our country, will make us reflect on the "positive" impact that AI will have on recreational boating in the same way that other sectors are already benefiting from its integration. His conference The impact of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE in recreational boating will take place on March the 8th at 9:45h

The new consumer profile that seeks new experiences also in recreational boating, training to solve the demand for qualified professionals for the marine industry, women and the sea with their particular vision of the business and the importance of promoting the incorporation of female talent in the blue economy, the legacy of the great nautical events and Blue Tourism destinations, will occupy the four panel discussions on the first day of the Congress. With leading experts in each of their specialties.

The regulation and future rules of recreational boating will be the protagonist of the two round tables on the day of the 8th. Representatives of the Maritime Administration will present their roadmap for the biennium 2024-2025. And after a year of shooting, since its presentation at the last edition of the Congress, the Codification Commission of Maritime Navigation will update us on legislative developments and the continuity of its action plan.

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Economy, sustainability & artificial intelligence protagonists of the Nautical Congress in Bilbao
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