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Monday, 10th March 2025
Ernesto Gutiérrez, Infamous Team:With our project we want to contribute to improving the environment

Ernesto Gutiérrez, Infamous Team:With our project we want to contribute to improving the environment

7th August 2023 by Nautimedia

Majorca a couple of months ago hosted an innovative technological event, sustainable, social and at the same time sporty, the 1st Solas Regatta of the Balearic Islands. A competition of solar boats at a small scale, constructed by the own participants, took place at Parc de la Mar, overlooked by the cathedral of Palma.


A total of ten teams participated in this first edition, crowning them winners of the Infamous Team, with a ship designed and constructed by Josep Comas, Antonio Lupiañez and Ernesto Gutiérrez. After more than a year of work and seeing the possible prototypes of the Infamous One, the team now plans on giving the project another point of view, a more practical and useful one in the nautical balearic sector.

Ernesto Gutiérrez, member of the Infamous Team, has visited our study of Passion for the Sea to explain how the process was with the creation of the first prototype and the possible applications in the nautical industry.

“Creating our own boat has been an incredible challenge because we have no idea about boat construction” says Gutiérrez. The Infamous Team started this project a year and a half ago after seeing the Regata Solar which was celebrated at Bayona for ten years ago.

“What we did have was experience in 3D design” assures Gutiérrez. And with acknowledgement and following many tutorials they started to construct the Infamous One to participate in the 1st Regata Solar at the Balearic Islands. “You could make the boat any way, no limitations, only the type of solar panel” explains Gutiérrez, who recognizes that all creators have a big error “we took a long time in making the final phase and from here we did not make more things”.

But after a year and a half of a lot of work, with many hours clocked in the project, the Infamous Team finished their solar boat. A prototype with a camera that allows you to see the navigation and it is full of sensors which measure the power of the motor, the revolutions… “It is like if you were inside of a computer. We wanted to have data so that we could improve the model and fix any problems” assures Gutiérrez.

In fact, thanks to the inclusion of these systems they have found that their prototype can be used in different areas and not only in competitions at a small scale. “Now there is a very big hype with drones and the sea world it has a very important role” recognizes the member of the Infamous Team. Mapping of posidonia, analytics of the temperatures of the bottom of the sea conditions, surveillance inside the port, detection of microplastics, location by GPS of waste, are some of the ideas they have. “Here the limits depend on having good ideas, searching for a use and putting it to practice” explains Gutiérrez.

To move forward with these projects the Infamous Team is starting to look for members inside the nautical sector. “We think that here in the Balearic Islands, with a nautical sector being so important, interesting things can be done and we would like to contribute to improve such things” confesses Gutiérrez.


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