Sunday, 9th March 2025
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Sunday, 9th March 2025
Everything ready for the 9th edition of the ‘Nit d’Havaneres’

Everything ready for the 9th edition of the ‘Nit d’Havaneres’

10th August 2023 by Nautimedia

As it is starting to be a habit, the Asociación de Navegantes ADN Mediterráneo will be celebrated one more time the 7th of September at the Real Club Náutico of Palma has been the headquarters of the ‘Nit d’Havaneres’, that this year celebrates its 9th edition.


This traditional evening that mixes music, sailing and solidarity, emerged almost a decade ago with the aim of organizing an event in favor of entities that work with needy groups, and since its first edition, the Real Club Náutico de Palma has been the headquarters of the ‘Nit d'Havaneres’.  

In its beginnings, the Sailors Association organized charity markets in the yacht clubs of the island, where both lovers of the sea and companies donated different types of items and products to sell them in these itinerant stalls and then deliver all the proceeds to ‘Caritas’. This idea evolved and finally the Real Club Náutico of Palma hosted a solidarity event, which was baptized as the ‘Nit d'Havaneres’. 

Once the ideal location was achieved, it was time to liven up the event and offer something more dynamic to the attendees, for this we contacted the Coral del Real Club Náutico of Palma, whose current director is Xisco Bonnín, and Pep Matas of the group Ben Trempats, in charge of putting the rhythm to the ‘Nit d'Havaneres’, which will reach its ninth edition for the benefit of the Food Bank of Mallorca.  

The evening, which will start at 8 pm, with finger food offered by different collaborators, will be presented by Mar Puigserver and will feature as is tradition with the performance of Ben Trempats and the RCNP Choir, under the direction of Francesc Bonnin, who will be responsible for opening the event singing between 4 and 5 ‘habaneras’.

The group Ben Trempats, formed in 2011 by a group of friends passionate about music and especially this style, will take the baton from the RCNP Choir to continue entertaining the evening with their seafaring songs. Pep Matas, Tolo Prats, Mariano Portas, Pep Martínez, Miquel A. Prats and Macià Guasp will make a musical journey through the world of habaneras, performing songs as well known as "La gavina", "Canto a Mallorca" or "Cap a romandre", and then finish singing "Bella Lola" along with the RCNP Choir. 

The entrance will be made by a donation of 30 euros, which will benefit the Food Bank Foundation of Mallorca, for social purposes. The amount must be paid into the Food Bank account: ES53 2100 0204 1202 0074 3042.

For more information and/or to purchase tickets, those interested can go to the RCNP or contact ADN by phone at 670 759 539 or directly with the Food Bank at 971 408 100. It should be recalled that the event also has the collaboration of Beinetti, American Cake Factory, Comercial Mallorquina de Begudes, Nou Espectacles i Esdeveniments and Associació Altruista Es Refugi.


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Everything ready for the 9th edition of the ‘Nit d’Havaneres’
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