Monday, 10th March 2025
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Monday, 10th March 2025
Javier Núñez de Prado: The War is Changing, It's in the Cyber World

Javier Núñez de Prado: The War is Changing, It's in the Cyber World

12th June 2024 by Nautimedia

This weekend, Club Nàutic S’Arenal will host the XLV Armed Forces Trophy, which this year commemorates the 50th anniversary of the Balearic Naval Sector. Half a century of history for a naval base located in Porto Pi, where currently about 50 people are responsible for the security of our waters.


The head of the Balearic Naval Sector, Javier Núñez de Prado, visited the studios of Pasión por el Mar to tell us how this strategic Mediterranean point was established. “In 1939, the Balearic naval base was created, a naval base that housed and unified all the units under a single command. And then, in 1974, the Navy decided to establish the Balearic Naval Sector,” he explains.

A naval base that has evolved over time, relocating its personnel as needed, “because combat power is far superior to previous times, and we do not need to have ships deployed,” he clarifies. According to the head of the Balearic Naval Sector, the Navy has sufficient resources, including frigates and projection ships. “The anti-aircraft coverage of the frigates is so powerful that from the middle of the Balearic Sea, it can cover both the Mediterranean coast of the peninsula and the entire Balearic archipelago.” Moreover, “in the 21st century, no one thinks the island will be invaded by an enemy country. The war is changing; it’s in the cyber world,” he adds.

To stay prepared, one of the exercises conducted annually in the Cabo Blanco area is the MINEX, a mine warfare exercise involving Spanish countermeasures and NATO’s permanent group, with submarines, aircraft, and patrol boats. “The seabeds of Mallorca are the best place for mine warfare exercises,” Núñez de Prado acknowledges, adding, “the visibility is excellent, there is a lot of diversity, and the temperature is very good.”

During these exercises, the Navy organizes open days to introduce its mission to society. A role that is unknown to many but offers numerous career opportunities. In fact, the Navy is currently in the process of increasing the number of personnel to consolidate the legally permitted number, which is between 120,000 and 140,000.

“It’s an adventure; it’s tough because there’s a lot of hard work, there’s a significant physical effort, you have to get up very early every day, but the camaraderie that exists here, I believe, does not exist anywhere else,” Núñez de Prado admits.

But of course, it’s not all work. Navy personnel also enjoy their free moments and the opportunity to see the world thanks to their duties. “Recently, we were sailing in the Black Sea, where there was tension, but then we entered the port in Bulgaria and had the chance to enjoy the atmosphere and the city,” explains the head of the Balearic Naval Sector, adding, “on one hand, you are doing your job, which is intense, but on the other, with those port stops, you get to see the world.”


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