Sunday, 9th March 2025
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Sunday, 9th March 2025
Marina Ibiza, pioneer in the use of bacterias to eliminate oil residues in the sea

Marina Ibiza, pioneer in the use of bacterias to eliminate oil residues in the sea

25th August 2023 by Agencies

Following the intense politics of supporting and caring for the environment, Marina Ibiza is the first marina in Spain to promote and use a device called Bio-Box, which uses a product 100% natural that is capable of digesting these oil residues.


In this way, in the event of a spillage that occurs in its water mirror or that the ‘Levante’ wind itself drags to its facilities, these microscopic living beings will help to restore the water to its purity and transparency, without harming the environment with toxins.

“This product is based on microorganisms that are composed of enzymes and bacteria. The enzymes are in charge of breaking down the molecular chain, in this case the oil residues, making them smaller, so that the bacterias can digest it transforming them into CO2 and clean water, without leaving any waste” explains Mirko Abbruzzese, cofounder of the La Alternativa Eco and promotor of Bio-Box in Spain.

The system consists in a hose that runs along the dock from its container to the sea, dripping bacteria into the water at a certain frequency while an air pump introduces oxygen into the water to activate them and start the process.

The bacterias, protected by earth by a box constructed specially for its conservation, are strikingly decorated to generate greater visual impact and information about its operation, to raise awareness among marina users.

"The bacteria lie dormant in a special container on land. If necessary, they jump into the sea and start creating their colony, but they always need food: hydrocarbons (petrol, diesel, mineral oil...) and oxygen, which we add with an air pump. When they reach the water and come into contact with oxygen, they become active and begin to act”.

Daniel Marí, manager of Marina Ibiza, confesses to be expectant with the results that these small microorganisms can contribute, being an incredible natural solution to a problem of a great impact on the environment. This new system will be launched at a specific area of the Marina Ibiza where close by the gas station and also for its ‘Levante’ wind, it usually accumulates spillage and waste. However, it presents challenges as it is a semi-open space, with movement of boats and water currents. 

When these microorganisms are freed to the sea, these start to work, they generate a natural foam, which is a sign that they are active, and slowly the stains disappear, the water becomes crystal clear instead of oily.

“There is a generalized belief in the nautical world that in the event of a spillage, the correct thing to do is to throw a product widely used for washing dishes into the water because it has a dispersing effect, but this product is harmful to marine flora and fauna and has a long-lasting effect on the aquatic environment" -manifests Mirko, making emphasis about that these bacterias are a bioremediator 100% organic in light of an accident and the results can be seen immediately.

“The collaboration of Marina Ibiza in this project has been fundamental, it has provided with the location, staff, technical and economical resources for the development of the Bio-Box. On one hand of La Alternativa Eco we have been in charge of the design and construction of the first container with energy-autonomous and non-toxic bioremediation thanks to the solar panel installed, we are grateful and happy with the first step to a more sustainable nautical world” explains Diego de la Viña, member of Mirko.


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Marina Ibiza, pioneer in the use of bacterias to eliminate oil residues in the sea
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