The nautical balearic sector is an international reference point for its quality of services offered by the companies, their extensive and complete facilities and the great professional team they have.
DID YOU LIKE THIS CONTENT? WELL... YOU HAVE ALL OF OUR FULL PROGRAMS HERE!Today we are going to get to know the person head of the cluster of nautical companies that works to promote the sector to an international level, manager of the Balearic Marine Cluster, Pedro Suasi. A person that knows well the nautical industry, and has studied Nautical Industry and Marine Transport, and has been several years on board ships in various capacities.
Lover of the Red Hot Chilli Peppers and of adventure sports life surf and mountain bike, has pending to visit Island in a caravan, a trip that due to the pandemic he had to cancel. A lover of the sea, as a good officer of the Merchant Navy, and of the Balearic Islands, since if he had to live anywhere else in the world other than Majorca it would be on one of the other islands, Suasi is one of those who prefers pizza without pineapple and omelet without onions.
These are only some of the characteristics that define the professionalism and personality of the manager of the Balearic Marine Cluster, but how is Pedro Suasi really? What are his passions, hobbies and dreams?
At Passion for the Sea we have suggested getting to know him in a more fun and close way, and to discover his likes and dislikes, other than his future goals.
Today we submit to our section “Who will make a splash today?” to manager of the Balearic Marine Cluster, Pedro Suasi. Are you ready to find out all of his secrets?