The sighting of the cetaceans took place during a day of sailing in the bay.
DID YOU LIKE THIS CONTENT? WELL... YOU HAVE ALL OF OUR FULL PROGRAMS HERE!Setmana del Mar has recently welcomed students from group B of Guillem de Montgrí School, the second class to participate in the activity. The students experienced fabulous days marked by good weather and the presence of dolphins. The sighting of a group of cetaceans last Monday, January 20, during a sailing trip around Portmany Bay heading towards Cala Bassa, was the magical moment of the activity. The dolphins were very close to the coast, feeding. After enjoying their presence, the students participated in a biodiversity workshop and conducted a beach cleanup.
The program continued on Tuesday with the traditional excursion to sa Conillera and on Wednesday, January 22, the trip to Formentera took place. On Thursday, various workshops were held, and they visited the Aquarium de es Cap Blanc, and on Friday, January 24, they enjoyed a traditional fishing workshop with Nico Vallespir and learned to read the winds and to sail. Their Setmana del Mar concluded with the awarding of diplomas.
It should be noted that for this 30th edition, 38 works were submitted, with the students from group B of CEIP Sant Jordi scoring the highest, along with their mascot the moray eel ‘Filomena’. Additionally, Sant Jordi A, Es Vedrà A, Santíssima Trinitat, Can Coix A, Can Guerxo, Can Coix B, Portal Nou, Cervantes A, and the aforementioned Guillem de Montgrí B were classified. The ten classified classrooms, totaling 199 students, will enjoy their week of activities between January 13 and March 28. The groups that were not selected will receive compensation with the activity ‘Un dia a la mar’. The submitted works remain on display in the lobby of the social headquarters of the Club Nàutic Sant Antoni, where they will stay until March.
Setmana del Mar is an environmental education and coexistence activity, aimed at students aged 10 and 11, in the fifth grade. It also includes special days for students with special educational needs. The activity is organized by the Club Nàutic Sant Antoni, sponsored by the Conselleria d'Esports i Juventut del Consell Insular d’Eivissa, the Caixa d‘Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona (La Caixa), and the Ayuntamiento de Sant Antoni, with the collaboration of the Conselleria de Medi Ambient i Educació del Govern Balear.