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The 41 Copa del Rey MAPFRE continues to sail firmly

The 41 Copa del Rey MAPFRE continues to sail firmly

2nd August 2023 by Agencies

The second journey of the competition had reunited for the first time all of the participants of the 41 Copa del Rey MAPFRe at the Bay of Palma. Once more, the conditions allowed the program to be completed by everybody. Five of the categories returned to port with no updates of their classification, one of them changed to leader position and two of them got points in the two days of races.


The wind, once again, accomplished to satisfy the Copa del Rey MAPFRE, that for the first time at the Bay of Palma reunited a hundred boats of 16 nationalities that will participate in this 41st edition. The J70 which took part of the class of Herbalife J70 and J/80 of the Majorca Sotheby’s Women’s Cup joined the class of the previous journey, and all of them could carry out the programs designed by the Committee of the Regatta.

The leaders of the second journey are: “Palibex-Elena Nova” (ESP) at Majorica ORC 1, “Teatro Soho Caixabank”  (ESP) at Majorica ORC 2, “Scugnizza” (ITA) at Majorica ORC 3, “Just the Job” (BBR) at Majorica ORC 4, “Cuordileone” (ITA) at ClubSwan 50, “Pez de Abril” (ESP) at ClubSwan 42, “Dorsia Covirán” (ESP) at Majorca Sotheby’s Women’s Cup and “Pakatín” (ESP) at Herbalife J70.

The four categories of Majorica ORC returned to port with the same leaders as the opening journey. At Majorica ORC 1 the “Palibex-Elena Nova”  of Javier Sanz (2+3) gave in two points in respect of its immediate prosecutor, the argentinian “From Now On”  of Fernando Chaín, which was the best boat of the day (1+2). The “Aifos”, sponsored by the King Don Felipe, got fifth position in the first race, in the second race the boat won the first place and he occupies the third provisional position after five midterms.

At Majorica ORC 2, the “Teatro Soho Caixabank” continues to be unstoppable. The boat led by Javier Banderas and sponsored by Daniel Cuevas accumulated five victories out of five trials and he faced the third journey with the biggest lead in the fleet: 20 points of advantage over “Daring Sisters” (CZE) of Tomas Dolezal. The emotion of the battle to get second position is at its peak.

At Majorica ORC 3, the “Scugnizza” of Vicenzo de Blasio completed a nearly perfect second journey (1+2). The defending champions are already ten points ahead of “Laplaza Assessors” that sponsors Carles Rodríquez (5+6).

At Majorica ORC 4, the “Just the Job” of Scott Beattie it was enough with third place and one victory to keep up in the running. He continues to be second, now with just 2,5 points of the first position, the “Ybarra-Befesa”  of Arturo Montes from Sevilla (1,5+4).

The class ClubSwan 50 was the only one that had changes in their provisional positions. The “Courdileone” of Leonardo Ferragamo, which counts with the tactics of the majorcan Manu Willer, ascended to the first position after being classified with a second and first position. The monegasque “Moonlight”  only could get seventh place and fifth, giving them the lead to the championship of the Copa del Rey MAPFRE 2019.

In the class ClubSwan 42, the “Pez de Abril” of José María Meseguer repeated the impeccable performance of the opening day and returned to port with an immaculate card to consolidate his position at the top of the standings. The best among his rivals was “Porrón X”  of the valencian Luis Senís, which finds himself with eight points.

The first journey of the competition of the Sotheby’s Women’s Majorca Cup, the category reserved for crews formed by only women sailors, had a vessel of a monotype J/80, they settled with three races. The “Dorsia Covirán” of Nuria Sánchez from Alicante, won the first two races and second in rhe last test making her the first leader of the week. It is two points ahead of “Citanias” from Patricia Suárez from Vigo, who got better during the races (3+2+1).

In the debut of Herbalife J70, the “Patikín”  of the shipowner and helmsman Luis ALbert Solana was the only one who knew how to win, and he was awarded with three first positions. The majorcan boat was the best spanish in the last world championship of J/70 (fourth), led by three points of “Ulsana-Les Roches” of pepequín Orbaneja.

The third journey of the competition closed the Previous Phase of the 41 Copa del Rey MAPFRE. Each team starts on Thursday in the Final Phase with a number of equivalent points to the position that they will occupy today returning to RCNP. The program indicates races with leeward-windward of all the classes of monotype from 13:00h and a coastline for the Majorica ORC from 12:00h. The track will depend on the weather conditions.


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The 41 Copa del Rey MAPFRE continues to sail firmly
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