Sunday, 9th March 2025
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Sunday, 9th March 2025
The Balearic and national nautical employers' associations will energize the sector at the PIBS.

The Balearic and national nautical employers' associations will energize the sector at the PIBS.

26th April 2024 by Nautimedia

The Association of Marine Industries of the Balearic Islands (AENIB) is actively participating these days in the Palma International Boat Show (PIBS), which celebrates its 40th edition from the 25th to the 28th of April.


The Balearic nautical employers' association has its own stand at the show, which it shares with the National Association of Nautical Companies (ANEN), within which it is registered. In this space, various initiatives have been carried out to continue to promote companies in the marine industry in the archipelago and various meetings, talks and presentations have been held. 

On Friday the 26th, the stand of the nautical employers' association hosted the presentation of the Teconaut Project, a European initiative in which Jordi Carrasco, Director of ANEN, and Christian Esteva, project manager of Sea Tech, together with the support of leading partners, seeks to promote the use of disruptive technologies to facilitate the ecological transition of the nautical sector. Specifically, the aim is to forge a new generation of skilled workers connected to medium-sized shipbuilding companies or start-ups that are implementing sustainable solutions, with a view to improving sustainability in the shipbuilding sector, as they explained. ‘It is a very ambitious project that has eleven European partners, including universities, shipyards, repair companies and employers' associations, with the aim of building the nautical sector of the future,’ said Carrasco. ‘The first step is to train professionals in the use of sustainable materials for the repair and construction of boats, so we are now focusing on developing this training in institutes and universities, as well as showing the industry that this technology and these materials already exist and are being applied in boats, with all the guarantees in terms of strength and durability,’ he added.

This was followed by a discussion/round table with invited representatives of the Centre de la Mar, a nautical training school of the Balearic Islands Employment Service (SOIB) and Integrated Vocational Training Centre (CIFP) in the Nautical area. During the talk, the activity of this National Reference Centre for Vocational Training in the Nautical area was detailed. Integrated in the Network of National Reference Centres for Vocational Training, it offers formal training in maintenance and repair of sports and recreational boats, as well as different training formulas for work: dual training, certificates of professionalism and training specialties. ‘We are in contact with nautical companies to find out what the training needs of the sector are. We are here to explain what our work is and ask them how we can help employers and professionals in the sector,’ explained Joan Florit, director of this center, whose activity goes beyond the Balearic Islands to develop an important work at national level. Specifically, during the talk, he urged those present to send the Centre their proposals for content for the upcoming training sessions focused on technologies that the center will host. Finally, he thanked the companies and the nautical employers for their collaboration. ‘Menorca is just 20 minutes away. We invite you to come and visit us at the Centre de la Mar", he concluded.

Finally, at one o'clock in the afternoon, the AENIB and ANEN space at the PIBS offered a vermouth as an aperitif with local sausages and cheeses, allowing attendees to interact and share experiences in a more relaxed and playful tone.

With its participation, AENIB is once again showing its support for the Palma International Boat Show as a fundamental meeting point for the Balearic nautical sector, one of the main pillars of the Islands' economy. Likewise, in addition to companies and professionals in the sector, it encourages the public to come to the show and discover all that the nautical sector has to offer the Balearic Islands, being one of the main economic engines of the islands. 

Throughout the show, the stand is receiving numerous visits from professionals and entrepreneurs in the marine industry, interested in learning in detail the work of AENIB/ANEN as a benchmark employer in the sector. In addition, all those professionals and associated companies have been offered a space on the stand to hold their meetings. Likewise, the associated exhibiting companies have been able to collect in this space a distinctive seal of quality that certifies their employer collaboration, thus strengthening the image of unity in the sector.


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The Balearic and national nautical employers' associations will energize the sector at the PIBS.
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