Tuesday, 11th March 2025
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Tuesday, 11th March 2025
The Club Nàutic Portitxol modernizes itself towards the future

The Club Nàutic Portitxol modernizes itself towards the future

20th July 2023 by Nautimedia

The Club Nàutic Portitxol (CNP) prepares itself to carry out an ambitious improvement plan and remodel their facilities, in the framework of the concession extension with investment negotiated with the Balearic Islands Port Authority (APB) after the end of the club's concession in December 2022.


"The philosophy is to open the club to the public, as we have already seen with the first part of the works, in which the terrace of the club's restaurant has been enlarged and opened to the street, eliminating barriers," says CNP president Pep Santander. "This project allows us to improve and modernize our facilities and to gain time to apply for new extensions or concessions in the future, trusting in a positive evolution of the legal, social and political panorama in the coming years," he adds.

The works are also part of the project to extend the Paseo Marítimo de Palma from the Club de Mar to the Molinar, which is being promoted by the APB, so the project to improve the CNP's facilities will serve to "prepare the club for the future", Santander points out.

The work will be carried out from September and will last 9 months, trying to limit as much as possible the possible inconvenience to members. Budgeted at 148,000 euros for the marine work and 378,000 euros for the land work, they represent a major investment for the club, which has forced the club to make an extraordinary contribution to its members.


In any case, the project, in addition to being a commitment to the future of the club and a necessary facelift, modernisation and improvement of its facilities, will entail improvements that will benefit all the clubs, such as the lift and accessibility systems for people with mobility problems to facilitate their access to the social lounge; the improvement and extension of the pontoons, with 60 new moorings which, as up to 15% of the total volume of moorings may be used for transient moorings, will serve to increase the club's income for future expenses; new turrets to supply electricity and water to the boats; new security cameras throughout the club to improve surveillance; a new perimeter water collection system on the slipway esplanade, at the same time burying the entrance of services coming from the street, such as water, electricity and fiber, and a strong advance in environmental issues, with the installation of solar panels, the improvement of the waste collection system, the creation of green areas and the implementation of a spill control system with cameras that analyze the level of water pollution and alert if it exceeds a certain level.

The three-year extension with investment granted by the APB expires on 16 December 2025, but the club's intention is to present itself to the authorities with fully renovated facilities and thus be able to ask for further extensions and even a new concession. "Although we are one of the clubs with the lowest membership fees in the Balearic Islands, we are aware of the extra effort we have asked our members to make, but these innovations are a clear step in our understanding with the APB with a view to a future renovation and a firm commitment to the future of the club," he concludes.


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