About 70 sailors from the Techno and IQFoil classes are gathering this weekend in the Bay of Palma to compete in the Club Nàutic S’Arenal (CNA) Trophy, the Balearic Championship for IQ Foil and Techno 293.
DID YOU LIKE THIS CONTENT? WELL... YOU HAVE ALL OF OUR FULL PROGRAMS HERE!It is expected that during three intense days of competition, from January 24 to 26, sailors from various clubs across the Islands will compete in a single race area, located near the club, in the Techno Sub 15 and Sub 13 and IQ Sub 17, Sub 19 Male and Sub 19 Female categories. “Together with the Race Committee, consisting of Inés Cabrer and Laia Vadell, we have decided to set up a single race area and depending on the weather conditions we will start the different classes and categories,” explains Fátima Reyes, coordinator of the CNA racing team.
Although the weather forecast for this weekend predicts little wind, with 7 knots on Friday and 10 on Saturday, it is expected to peak on Sunday with 15 knots. Therefore, the organization has scheduled a total of twelve races for the IQFoil class and nine for Techno 293. “With these conditions on Friday and Saturday, we will likely carry out the slalom races, and on Sunday, having more wind, the racing event,” comments Reyes.
To accommodate nearly a hundred athletes, the Club Nàutic S’Arenal, which already has experience organizing large local, national, and international sporting events like the Princess Sofia Trophy or the Great Sailing Day - Bufete Frau, has prepared the esplanade and the small boatyard. “Since we have many sailors from the club competing abroad, we have been able to free up space from the small boatyard and the esplanade to accommodate the 70 boards and sails of the participants in the Trophy,” points out the racing team coordinator.
In addition to the races and competition at sea, the sailors will enjoy the atmosphere and camaraderie on land, sharing experiences with athletes from yacht clubs across all the Balearic Islands.
On Sunday, January 26, the award ceremony for the winners of each category will take place, expected to be attended by the president of the Balearic Sailing Federation, Cati Darder, and the sailing board member of the Club Nàutic S’Arenal, Ricard Alabau.