The sailor of the Club Nàutic Sa Ràpita, Marga Perelló has finished eighth in the European Championship sub21 that has been held in the Reial Club Nàutic Port de Pollença.
DID YOU LIKE THIS CONTENT? WELL... YOU HAVE ALL OF OUR FULL PROGRAMS HERE!The sailor of the Club Nàutic Sa Ràpita, Marga Perelló, who came in second place overall, has finished the European Championship in eighth place, achieving a position in the top 10 of the best international sailors.
The Spanish sailor, Claudia Adán Lledó, was proclaimed runner-up of the European sub21 ILCA 6, after winning the last of the ten races of the competition held in the bay of Pollença.
Italy's Enrico Tanferna and Poland's Lilly Mary Nietzabitowska are the new European sub21 champions, while Israel's Rem Pulci took the victory in the sub19 category. The regatta was held under the organization of the Reial Club Nàutic Port de Pollença from the 16th of March until Saturday, with the participation of 201 sailors representing 35 countries.
The last two days of racing were marked by the low intensity of the wind. On both Friday and Saturday, only one race was sailed. On the final day the forecasts were fulfilled and the easterly wind took a long time to establish itself, forcing the start to be delayed until 14.00 hours, with just enough time to complete a single race.