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The Copa del Rey MAPFRE prepares an edition full of novelties

The Copa del Rey MAPFRE prepares an edition full of novelties

8th February 2024 by Agencies

The 42nd edition of the Copa del Rey MAPFRE will have several new features in relation to the dates and format of the competition, as well as in the scoring system in the Final Series, while in terms of classes there will continue to be those sailing in ClubSwan 50, ClubSwan 42, J70 and Women's Cup monotypes - and in handicap - with four ORC classes.


The Copa del Rey MAPFRE will have an official training day on Monday, July 29th and the following five days will be for racing. The regatta will officially start on Sunday, July 28th with the registration and measurement day and will end on Saturday, August 3rd, with racing from Tuesday to Saturday for the ORC and ClubSwan classes, while the J70 and the all-female Women's Cup class will sail from Wednesday to Saturday. All of them, as last year, will start the races at 12:00 noon.

As usual, all classes will compete in windward-leeward "batons" format. This 2024 the organization also recovers the celebration of a coastal regatta -as already happened in the 41st edition of 2023- in the case of the ORC division, moving towards the parameters of the 2025 European Championship, where there will be two days of coastal and three days of "batons".

The Copa del Rey MAPFRE will continue to consist of a Preliminary Series and a Final Series.

The Preliminary Series will consist of six races to be sailed on Tuesday 30th, Wednesday 31st, and Thursday 1st August (31st July and 1st August in the case of J70). The Final Series will consist of four races for ORC and ClubSwan monotypes, and six races for the J70s.

If at the end of Thursday, August 1st, a class has not completed a minimum of four races, the Preliminary Series will be extended until the end of Friday, August 2nd. If the minimum number of races has not been completed by the end of August 2nd, there will be no Final Series.

The total score of each boat shall be the sum of all her points, except when four or more races have been completed, when the total score of each boat shall be the sum of all her points, discarding her worst score. The races of the Final Phase are not discardable and shall have a coefficient of 1.5.

Therefore, the novelty with respect to previous editions resides in the fact that when entering the Final Series the score of each boat will not be that of the position with which it enters that phase (the first classified has one point, the second two points, the third three, etc.) but it will be the total computation of points accumulated in the Preliminary Series with a discard.

The Copa del Rey MAPFRE will also have a great incentive for the most emerging monotype class in the world, the J70, which is expected to have a large registration just over a month before the first round of the World Championship, which will also be organized by the Real Club Náutico de Palma.

"The regatta will continue to be multi-class and we have three very competitive classes such as the 42 and 50-foot ClubSwans and the J70s, which will experience the Cup as a prelude to the World Championship that we will hold at the club from mid-September," says the director of the Copa del Rey MAPFRE.


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The Copa del Rey MAPFRE prepares an edition full of novelties
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