The Club Nàutic Portitxol (CNP) continues to agree on their decision for the recreational fishing, with the program of this month of three gathering focused on the discipline that is celebrated at the margin of the Party of Mare de Déu del Remei, which take place at the facilities of the 7th until the 20th of August.
VISIT OUR ONLINE TV AND EXPERIENCE THE SEA IN FIRST PERSON, WHEREVER AND WHENEVER YOU WANTTomorrow Saturday 12th of August will take place at the Trobada de Pesca de Especies, a fishing gathering very special and different, which is shown with the variety of species fished. Each of the fifteenth or so participating vessels, all belonging to members of the sport clubs, each should at least fish two species of the maximum number possible of the species.
After counting the species, there will be a snack at 13.00h at the facilities of the club, just after the prizes will be given out, with vouchers for fishing clothes with the sponsoring company Can Amengual, for the three first classified. “This gathering has been celebrated for 15 years. Last year, the winner managed to capture 19 different species. The record, for a couple of years ago, stands at 24”, explains Pepe Alós, head of this department of CNP.
Even though, the night of the 13th of August will celebrate the IV Prueba de Regularidad de Pesca de Corcheo Nocturna, with the exit of 20.00h and arrival of 24.00h.
On the other hand, the 15th of August will celebrate the traditional Trobada de Pesca Infantil, for this activity there is a collaboration with the Balearic Fishing and Capturing Federation, to promote the sport of fishing among the small ones. Between 9.00h and 11.00h, about 25 kids will enjoy their first fishing experience, learning how to mount a hook and a float, and fish in the club’s dinghy. After the journey has finished there will be snacks and goodies.
The day will be done in a modality of capturing and letting go of the species, fishing with no death. “The kids will come accompanied by their parents or grandparents, and they will learn to distinguish between a variety of fish which swim in our sea, also they will learn about measuring and letting them free in the sea again”, explains Alós. “It is an activity that, liek the Kid Party the following 20th of August, the kids are the main protagonists. And that is very important, because the new generations are the future, such as for the fishing and the club”, he concludes.