The ‘Hornabeque’ of the Fortitude of Isabel II at ‘La Mola’ of the port of Maó which will take place the 10th to the 31st of August the exposition “The Spanish Legacy of United States of America”, a sample that goes over the landmarks most relevant of the spanish presence in North America.
DID YOU LIKE THIS CONTENT? WELL... YOU HAVE ALL OF OUR FULL PROGRAMS HERE!Menorca has its own protagonist in this story. In particular, the Mediterranean troops of the American Army had its permanent base at the port of Maó between 1815 and 1840. In fact, the North American marine guards, who aspired to be officials, were trained at the island with local teachers. A fact that prolonged until its opening, 1845, the Annapolis Naval Academy.
The exposition is organized by the Defense Delegation at the Balearic Islands and The Legacy Association, and it will be open to visit all the days of the week, from 10 to 20h.
The Legacy Association is an entity that dedicates to put value on the historical and cultural contribution of Spain and the United States of America, with the goal of fomenting and promoting the connections between both countries. Furthermore, with the exposition, The Legacy intends to celebrate their fifth anniversary, and demonstrate their mission and goals.
The demonstration begins with the cards of the Catholic Kings, Isabel and Fernando, to later on get to know the story of the presence of the spanish in North America, through characters worthy of film productions.
The exposition will start the 10th of August, at 19h, with the title “Forgotten Spanish in North America”, in charge of the colonel and doctor Arts and Humanities, José Antonio Crespo-Francés and Valero.