The project of the General Reglament of Sport Navigation and of Recreational is one of the biggest trials of the nautical sector, whose goal is to unify, update and simplify the rules, nowadays it is dispersed in various Royal Decrees and other administrative rules.
STAY UP TO DATE OF WHAT WE DO AND RECEIVE OUR NEWSLETTERThe nautical sector sets forwards with a firm step to accomplish its most demanded goals in regulatory matters: the project of elaboration of the General Reglament of Sport and Recreational Navigation.
Thanks to the collaboration and the work between ANEN and the General Direction of the Merchant Navy (DGMM), it has been constituted the work group that integrates the Commission Codification of the Recreational Navigation, which will be in charge of elaborating the Reglament which will mean an unprecedented legislative progress for the sector. In addition, the Commission will have the task to suggest these legislative reforms which will benefit the sport and recreational navigation.
The new Commission of Codification of the Recreational Navigation, integrated for a work team of technical experts of the DGMM, jurists and professors of the University, it has been constituted by Ministerial Resolution from the past 18th of July of 2023.
The work team is leaded by the general director of the Merchant Navy, Benito Núñez Quintanilla, and it is formed by the technicians of the DGMM, the professors of the Unversidad María José Morillas Jarillo, María Victoria Petit Lavall and Juan Luis Pulido Begines and Carlos Sanlorenzo, legal advisor of ANEN, and they also count with the advice of the Office Albors Galiano Portales.