The Plenary Session of the Senate has approved the taking into consideration, promoted by the Popular Parliamentary Group, of the Proposition of Law (PDL) to modify the Coastal Law in order to avoid the destruction of "coastal urban complexes of traditional typology on land that has become public maritime-terrestrial domain", such as the huts that are on the beachfront.
DID YOU LIKE THIS CONTENT? WELL... YOU HAVE ALL OF OUR FULL PROGRAMS HERE!As per Francisco Bernabé, of the PP, in the Upper House, the three requirements will be that the groups have "cultural, historical or ethnographic values that deserve to be conserved", that they are integrated into the coastal landscape environment and, finally, that they exist prior to their inclusion in the maritime-terrestrial domain.
According to the Popular Group in its document, in which it proposes the addition of a 'Thirteenth Additional Provision' to Law 22/1988, on Coasts, the eviction or demolition of these urban areas "does not ensure the recovery of the ecosystem's functionality, as it leaves highly degraded areas".
In order to understand which are the "traditional urban nuclei with unquestionable ethnological values", the Popular Group of the Senate has given the "Casetes de Vorera" in Menorca as an example of conservation. And the Balearic Government is already working on a register of all coastal heritage in order to guarantee the preservation of those buildings that have historical, heritage or social value, such as the “casetas de vorera”, the dry dock or the “escars”.
According to them, it is necessary to establish "a legislative shelter" for these urban centers which, once identified, are recognised as having their own values in each case and require tools to avoid evictions or demolitions.
The plenary session of the Senate was attended by representatives of more than 52 coastal associations, as Bernabé pointed out, and now the bill will be passed on to Congress to continue its parliamentary process.