A few weeks ago, as part of the Summer Festivities at Club Nàutic Sa Ràpita (CNR) and in anticipation of the traditional and eagerly awaited Members' Dinner, a very special and endearing screening took place at the club's facilities.
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The footage, produced by Nautimedia Comunicación and created thanks to a multi-camera recording, features long-time members closely associated with the club sharing their experiences. Among these members are Antoni Burguera Ginard, Damià Prohens Vidal, Guillem Martí Socías, Biel Lladó Suñer, and Nuri Bover Piqué, who reminisce about what Sa Ràpita used to be like and how it has changed over time. They recount the club's founding as an entity in 1969, its construction in 1975, and the growth of the CNR, along with fascinating anecdotes and memories from over the years. These include the first "sabatinas," the club's pioneering social cruising regattas, sport fishing activities, and major nautical milestones achieved by members.
This project was made possible by a campaign initiated by the CNR's communication department, which proposed the initiative and digitized the graphic material contributed by members and friends of the club. These materials, preserved over the years and immortalizing great moments, have been passed down from family to family in the form of documents, images, photographs, and videos cherished by members as small fragments of their lives at the CNR.
To honor its past and preserve this valuable legacy for future generations, the club decided to produce a unique and invaluable audiovisual piece. This piece aims to tell the story of the social and nautical evolution of Club Nàutic Sa Ràpita to children, grandchildren, and future generations. All the material, which has been returned to its owners after digitization, will also be used for future photographic exhibitions, audiovisual pieces, and reports.