After becoming the champion of the world of ClubSwan42 in 2022, the Nadir, who sails under the eardrum of the Club de Vela Puerto Andratx and it is led and sponsored by the majorcan sailor Pedro Vaquer, it will be distinguished at Baiona with the National Prize of Vela Terras Gauda for the best boat of the year at the gala which will be celebrated the 2nd of September.
DID YOU LIKE THIS CONTENT? WELL... YOU HAVE ALL OF OUR FULL PROGRAMS HERE!Led and sponsored by the majorcan Pedro Vaquer with a 100% spanish crew with professionals like Rayco Tabarés, the Nadir with total authority participated in the World Cup held in Valencia last year. In total, the Vaquer accumulated seven midterm podiums in the ten races participated, achieving the intercontinental title with a window of twelve points from the second classified.
But the World Championship was not its only great accomplishment of the season. The victory of the Copa del Rey MAPFRE of Palma and the Rolex Swan Cup of Cerdeña allowed Nadir to end the season with a triple crown, demonstrating this way its great potential in a category that this 2023 are still collecting triumphs.
The key to its success, as Vaquer explains, is due to “a sport sailing tradition of sailing passed on from fathers to children. If it was possible to compete successfully against international teams it is because of this tradition and to be able to make a team of excellent spanish athletes”.
The majorcan sponsor will be in charge of collecting the award of the National Prize of Vela Terras Gauda for the best boat of the year a gala that is celebrated at Monte Real Club de Yates at Baiona the 2nd of September, within the program of the 38th Trofeo Príncipe de Asturias.
“We collect this prize with satisfaction and pride”, declared Vaquer upon hearing the news. “We take it as an acknowledgement of the achievements accomplished throughout the last couple of years, especially of what has been done for this year, which is no more than the collective effort of many years”.