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The National Maritime Rescue Plan 2025-2027 includes a Coordination Center in Mallorca

5th February 2025 by Agencies

The plan envisions the construction of two tugboats, two new rescue patrol boats, six fast-action light boats, a helicopter, a coordination center in Palma de Mallorca, and the incorporation of drones.


The Council of Ministers approved on February 4, following a proposal from the Ministry of Transport and Sustainable Mobility, the National Plan for Special Services for Human Life Rescue at Sea and the Fight Against Marine Environment Pollution for the period 2025-2027. The new plan includes an investment of 162.7 million euros to modernize the Maritime Rescue (Sasemar) equipment and promote sustainability.

Specifically, for the renewal of vessels, 84.6 million euros will be allocated, in addition to acquiring a large helicopter with a budget of 27 million. In total, 111.6 million euros will be spent over three years on vessels and the helicopter.

This plan, funded by the European Investment Bank, is more ambitious as it contemplates a similar investment in just three years compared to the previous four-year edition: 173.6 million euros between 2021-2024.

The goal is to strengthen the incident and maritime accident response system, implement new technologies, enhance the fight against climate change, and promote the safety and protection of seas and oceans.

This entails reinforcing the fight against climate change by preventing atmospheric pollution from ships and promoting sustainability in maritime transport, contributing to the conservation of seas and oceans, optimizing coordination with all involved actors, both nationally and internationally, and promoting safety awareness and pollution prevention among sea users, fostering awareness and environmental education.

In other words, to consolidate the Spanish maritime rescue and pollution combat system as a global reference in safety and protection at sea.

The National Maritime Rescue Plan 2025-2027 is developed around two axes and ten strategic lines aligned with the main national and international policies and legal provisions.

Axis 1 (effective and efficient public service) is based on the incorporation and modernization of resources, improving professional training, coordinating, advancing towards digital transformation, and innovation.

It includes, among other actions, the construction of two tugboats, two new rescue patrol boats, six fast-action light boats, a helicopter, a coordination center in Palma de Mallorca, and the incorporation of drones. The most notable measures of this axis are:

  • Tender for the construction of two new rescue patrol boats (Guardamares).
  • Construction of two tugboats and the decommissioning of the two oldest tugboats in the fleet.
  • Replacement of a medium helicopter provided by the air service operator with the construction of a new large helicopter.
  • Renewal of at least six rapid action boats (Salvamares) over 25 years old, being replaced by recently built units and incorporating two itinerant units.
  • Renewal of communication and navigation equipment.
  • Incorporation of unmanned aircraft into service.
  • Construction of a new Coordination Center in Palma de Mallorca.
  • Maintenance and improvement of remote stations.
  • Gradual renewal of Pollution Control equipment.
  • Improvement of equipment and incorporation of new simulators and development of the Jovellanos Training Center.

Regarding other strategic lines of Axis 1, to ensure the provision of the service, it is necessary to have an adequate number of qualified professionals. Strengthening of the workforce will be carried out according to budget availability and prior agreement with the corresponding Ministries. Axis 2 (Promotion of the sustainability of maritime transport) of the plan is focused on promoting the sustainability of maritime transport. It includes measures such as the supervision of decarbonization standards, surveillance and protection against marine spills, and the prevention of pollution from wind parks, as well as environmental outreach. It contemplates actions aimed at:

  • Decarbonization of maritime transport. The publication of new regulatory requirements to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by the maritime sector requires that the Administration supervise its compliance by all ships assigned to the Spanish Maritime Administration.
  • Improvement of air quality. Ships in navigation emit polluting gases, and it is necessary for the administration to take measures to reduce their impact and ensure regulatory compliance of the ships.
  • Clean seas. The quality of marine waters is affected by deliberate or accidental spills. Improvement through surveillance of waters as a first measure against marine pollution, as well as prevention and response capacity, impact the improvement of water quality.
  • Prevention of pollution and safety of offshore wind parks. The maritime installation of new parks requires working with the sector to ensure that new energy developments are safe and sustainable. 

In recent years, the Government has made a significant investment effort, thanks to which Spain has one of the most advanced maritime rescue services in the world. To date, six National Plans have been developed, which represent a planning tool for this state public service led by the General Directorate of the Merchant Marine of the Ministry.


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