The Nautical Academy of the Club Nàutic Sant Antoni (CNSA), will have a course from the 6th to the 19th of November, a new basic training course of marine security, directed to all the interested in working with the sea.
DID YOU LIKE THIS CONTENT? WELL... YOU HAVE ALL OF OUR FULL PROGRAMS HERE!The basic training in marine security is the base of the certificates to be able to practice professionally on board of a boat, whatever the trade carried out on it: passenger, cargo, rescue, research, etcetera.
It consists of a full course that includes theory and practical classes of survival, firefighting, basic life support and, of course, maneuvering and navigation. The teaching team is made up of three technicians, a health worker, a firefighter and a pilot from the Merchant Navy. Classes will be held from 8.00h to 15.00h during the two weeks of the course. The last Sunday will be dedicated to exams.
Marine Vocational Training is one of the major commitments made recently by the CNSA Nautical Academy, with the aim of consolidating a training center on the island from which new professionals linked to the maritime trades can emerge.