Thursday, 13th March 2025
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Thursday, 13th March 2025
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The Sa Dragonera Natural Park celebrates its 30th anniversary

27th January 2025 by Agencies

Throughout 2025, the Council of Mallorca will organize various activities to commemorate the three decades of this natural space and to highlight its environmental and faunal values.


Yesterday, January 26, marked the 30th anniversary of the declaration of the Sa Dragonera Natural Park, a designation that ensures the conservation of the island and makes it one of the most important environmental treasures of Mallorca.

We go back to 1987, when the Council of Mallorca purchased the island of Sa Dragonera, located at the western end of the island of Mallorca. Later, the Balearic Government, through Decree 7/1995, of January 26, declared Sa Dragonera a Natural Park, together with the islands of Pantaleu and Sa Mitjana, securing for future generations the conservation of its rich biodiversity and scenic beauty.

From the Council of Mallorca, this 30th anniversary is celebrated as a "special milestone for its natural and historical heritage, as well as its significant biodiversity of endemic species of fauna and flora, making it the most relevant protected natural space on our island."

The Sa Dragonera Natural Park currently has a protected area of 274 terrestrial hectares. In addition, other community protection figures are integrated, such as the Natura 2000 Network, due to the prominent biodiversity of species. Protection of its submerged facade has also been reinforced, both of the inner and outer waters surrounding the island, declaring it a marine reserve.

Among the most important historical milestones in these three decades of the Sa Dragonera Natural Park, it is worth noting the numerous studies and monitoring of protected species carried out, such as the osprey or the endemic lizards that inhabit the island. A good state of the Balearic shearwater colony in Es Pantaleu and that of the Balearic shearwater in Sa Dragonera has also been maintained.

The commitment to sustainability is reflected in the installation of photovoltaic panels, the installation of a total oxidation system for wastewater, along with an additional green filter system that allows increasing aquatic habitats for wildlife.

Furthermore, it has adhered to the PROGRESS participatory process with the local community and Xarxa Dragonera Blava, which has allowed the development of different joint projects, such as the video about the voices of the community and cultural heritage.

The Department of Environment, Rural Affairs, and Sports of the Council of Mallorca continues the work of conserving the historical, cultural, and environmental values of the Natural Park.

Thus, this year a new bird observatory will be launched, and the Na Miranda viewpoint will be conditioned, a site of great interest for enjoying the views of the Sa Dragonera channel. The reconstruction of the Na Miranda viewpoint is a project of great interest to the island's visitors, as it is one of the most visited areas, due to its proximity to Cala Lledó and its spectacular panoramic views of the island of Mallorca.

The Second Vice-President and Councilor of Environment, Rural Affairs, and Sports, Pedro Bestard, has explained that "throughout this year of celebration of the 30th anniversary of the declaration as a natural park, several activities are planned to commemorate the three decades of this natural space, which will focus on highlighting its environmental values, the need to support its conservation, and to maintain the ecosystems so that, in the future, we can continue to enjoy this island."


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