Sunday, 23rd February 2025
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Sunday, 23rd February 2025
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The San Antonio de la Playa Maritime Club honors its best sailors of 2024

16th December 2024 by Agencies

The San Antonio de la Playa Maritime Club (CMSAP) celebrated its sporting achievements for the 2024 season on Friday, December 13, at an emotional gala held at the Son Termes restaurant, where awards were presented to the best sailors of the year, followed by a dinner that brought together members, athletes, and family members of the honorees.


Windsurfers were the stars of the evening, particularly the younger ones, who brought significant joy to the club this year. Joshua Castro was crowned world and European champion in the Techno 293 Sub13 class, while Biel Martorell achieved the world runner-up and bronze medal at the European Championship in the same category.

CMSAP's commitment to this discipline was also rewarded with the achievements of Jorge Alemany, Spanish champion in the Techno 293 Sub15 class, and Arian Castro, who took the bronze medal by finishing third in the same championship.

In the Olympic RS:X class, the emerging talent of the club was demonstrated in national competitions. Luca Casas won the silver medal at the Spanish Championship Sub19, while Hugo Pérez was third in the Spanish Cup Sub17.

Among the female sailors, Marta Juncal stood out by becoming the champion of the Balearic Islands in IQ Foil Sub17 and representing the club at the European Championship, where she reached a commendable sixth position. Also, Natalia Alemany, runner-up of the Balearic Islands in IQ Foil Sub17; Teresa Morell, third in the Federation Cup of IQ Foil Sub17; and Raquel Llinás, bronze in the Federation Cup of Techno 293 Sub15, received special recognition.

Carlos Zendrera was another celebrated athlete, having been crowned champion of Spain in the ILCA 4 Sub16 category. Àngels Ferragut also stood out by achieving the third female position in the national ILCA 6.

Laia Mattos was honored as a member of the Balearic team that won the bronze medal at the Spanish Optimist Team Championship. Finally, Víctor Pérez received recognition for his silver medal at the European Snipe Championship in the mixed category.

The gala also paid tribute to the achievements of the cruisers, the young sailors of the sailing school, and the technical staff of the CMSAP.

Jesús Comas, president of the San Antonio de la Playa Maritime Club, highlighted in his speech the excellent performance of the club's athletes and expressed his pride in the results achieved during the season.

"Victories have also come through the work of all the coaches and the parents, who play a fundamental role in their children's racing," Comas pointed out.

Cati Darder, president of the Balearic Sailing Federation, emphasized the club's effort to make sailing its flagship and said that the proof of well-done work is reflected in the magnificent results achieved by the CMSAP sailors.


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