This Monday, January 13, the 30th edition of the Sea Week began, with the participation of the students from group A of the Cervantes school, who are already fully enjoying the activities.
DID YOU LIKE THIS CONTENT? WELL... YOU HAVE ALL OF OUR FULL PROGRAMS HERE!The inclement weather, as is usual in these first weeks of the year, has forced a change in the order previously planned in the program, although it is currently estimated that everything planned can be carried out.
Yesterday, the students participated in various workshops and although this Tuesday they were able to go out sailing and continued with the workshops, the excursion to sa Conillera that had been contemplated for this morning has had to be postponed to Thursday. Tomorrow the traditional trip to Formentera will take place.
It is worth mentioning that a total of 38 entries were submitted to the access contest, won by the students of group B of CEIP Sant Jordi, with their mascot 'Filomena', a moray eel. Additionally, Sant Jordi A, Es Vedrà A, Santíssima Trinitat, Guillem de Montgrí B, Can Coix A, Can Guerxo, Can Coix B, Portal Nou, and the aforementioned Cervantes A were classified. The ten classified classrooms, with a total of 199 students, will enjoy their week of activity between this Monday and March 28. For their part, the groups that were not selected will receive their compensation with the activity 'A day at sea', which will be held subsequently. The works submitted are still on display in the lobby of the social headquarters of the Club Nàutic Sant Antoni, where they will remain until March.
The 'Sea Week' is an environmental education and coexistence activity, aimed at students aged 10 and 11, in the fifth grade of primary school. It also includes the celebration of special sessions for students with special educational needs. It is organized by the Club Nàutic Sant Antoni, with the sponsorship of the Ministry of Sports and Youth of the Insular Council of Ibiza, the Caixa d'Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona (La Caixa) and the Municipality of Sant Antoni, with the collaboration of the Ministry of Environment and Education of the Balearic Government.