Saturday, 29th March 2025
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Saturday, 29th March 2025
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The students of Sant Jordi B enjoy an educational Sea Week at Es Nàutic

24th March 2025 by Agencies

Last week, the fifth-grade B group students from Sant Jordi school enjoyed the Sea Week, having won the access contest with their mascot, the moray eel ‘Filomena’.


The students experienced some very intense and complete days, thanks to the good weather at sea, with the exception of Friday, March 21, when the storm caught them in the classroom, forcing them to cancel the planned sailing on prawns or community sailing boats.

On Monday, March 17, they were able to enjoy a trip aboard the submarine vision boat ‘Sea Explorer’ and had the opportunity to contemplate the posidonia meadows around the Illots de Ponent, in an incredible state. On Tuesday, March 18, the students who sailed on the catamaran were able to sail around the islet of sa Conillera, landing at Platges de Comte and enjoying the empty beach, just for them.

During the journey, the students enjoyed breathtaking views of the islets, including es Vedrà, and also spotted ‘Rayan’, a dolphin well known in the bay for its scar on the head, near the blowhole through which it breathes, and which the fishermen call ‘Cara Ratjada’. The rest of the week they continued with the planned activities, excursions, and workshops, and also sang the song they created about their mascot.

This week the 30th Sea Week will receive the last qualified students, belonging to group B of the Es Vedrà school. In this edition, 10 fifth-grade classrooms from schools across the island are participating, with a total of 199 students. From the first edition, held in 1996, to the conclusion of this thirtieth, a total of 14,490 schoolchildren will have participated in the Sea Week, half of them as part of the consolation day ‘Un dia a la Mar’. This edition will conclude with a special closing ceremony on April 15, which will take place in the Auditorio Caló de s’Oli.

The Sea Week is a project that is 100% socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable, both in content and form. From a social perspective, it is important to highlight the impact it has on the sport of sailing and education related to the marine environment, having been attended by thousands of students. It is also economically sustainable thanks to the sponsorship of institutions and companies. It has the support of CaixaBank, Eroski, Baleària, and Rumbo Norte, along with the Conselleria de Deportes y Juventud del Consell Insular d’Eivissa, the Sant Antoni Town Hall, and the Conselleria de Educación del Govern Balear. Additionally, its environmental sustainability is noteworthy, as science occupies 80% of the educational content, largely aimed at raising awareness and sensitizing students to care for nature and especially the marine environment in the future.


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