Previously to the award-giving ceremony of the second phase of the XXXIV edition of the Jornadas Náuticas Pituisas, was celebrated in the restaurant of the Club Nàutic Sant Antoni (CNSA) with the presentation of the Official of the VI edition of the Regatta Entre Illes e Illots, that organizes CNSA and the Real Federación Española de Vela, with collaboration of Federación Balear de Vela.
FOLLOW US ON OUR SOCIAL MEDIA PROFILES AND RECEIVE UPDATES FROM "PASSION FOR THE SEA"This sport event will take place the days of 28th and 29th of October and its participants will have to sail a minimum of 80 nautical miles between the ports of Sant Antoni and Denia. Furthermore, it should be reminded that it consists of a race with score sheets for the Campeonato de España de Cruceros de Altura 2023.
The journey will start at the bay of Portmany and will be decided one day before departure, depending on the weather forecast. However, what is known is that the sailors will go around one of the islands of the Balearic archipelago, the island of Benidorm, Columbretes or any other island off the Levantine coast, whose passage is safe and accessible for control.
At the moment, half a dozen boats have already confirmed their participation in this regatta, but the list is still open, as registrations can be made until the 22nd of October.
The event, which was presented by the sports director of the CNSA, Enrique Mas, was attended by more than a hundred people, many of them participants in the Jornadas Náutica Pitiusas, which perhaps we will also see competing in the Regata Entre Illes e Illots.