The jury of the 29th edition of the 'Setmana del Mar' has virtually qualified a total of 37 works carried out by fifth-grade classrooms from 25 schools from all over the island, which translates into a high level of participation.
DID YOU LIKE THIS CONTENT? WELL... YOU HAVE ALL OF OUR FULL PROGRAMS HERE!The members of the jury decided to award the best score to 'Tintorissa', a migrant blue shark that travels along the Canal d'Eivissa and which was created by the pupils of CEIP Guillem de Montgrí. The mascot is illustrated with a QR code that redirects to a presentation created by the group, which explains the characteristics of this animal, the reasons why they have chosen it and the creative and artistic process required to create the mascot.
Just one point behind the 61 points received by the winning project was 'El Peix Veloç', the mascot created by the pupils of CEIP Cervantes B, who will also take part in the activity, as will the next eight classrooms in the ranking table. The ten winning classrooms, with a total of 225 pupils, will enjoy their week of activity between 15th of January and 12th of April.
The schools had until Tuesday 12th of December at 2 p.m. to submit their mascots, which they had to present together with a digital dossier with images and/or videos explaining the development of the work and the importance of their mascot within the marine ecosystem. All this material was evaluated by the members of the jury. The classrooms that have not been selected will be compensated with the activity 'A day at sea'.
The workshops will soon be exhibited in the foyer of the Club Nàutic Sant Antoni's headquarters, so that the participants and their families can enjoy them and make their own evaluations.
The 'Setmana del Mar' is an environmental education and coexistence activity, aimed at pupils aged 10 and 11 years old, from the fifth year of primary school. It also includes the celebration of special days for pupils with special educational needs. Organised by the Club Nàutic Sant Antoni, with the sponsorship of the Conselleria de Esports i Juventut del Consell Insular d'Eivissa, the Caixa d'Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona (La Caixa) and the Sant Antoni Town Council, with the collaboration of the Conselleria de Mediambient i Educació del Govern Balear.