Monday, 10th March 2025
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Monday, 10th March 2025
“Urbania” absolute winner of the XXXIV Jornadas Náuticas Pituisas

“Urbania” absolute winner of the XXXIV Jornadas Náuticas Pituisas

17th October 2023 by Agencies

Nearly 250 sailors, not only national, but from different European countries, like Ireland, England, Norway, Germany or Finland, will gather together at the XXXIV Jornadas Náuticas Pituisas that will take place from the 13th to the 15th of October in Ibiza.


This cruise sailing competition by the Club Náutico of Ibiza, is the oldest that is celebrated in the Pituisas islands, as is started being the Vuelta a Ibiza and Formentera in the 70s with two important Trofeos el Jabeque de Oro and Plata and has evolved into the current format in which combines a sporty side with the recreational side taking on the current name.

In this edition of the regatta, which is a scoring event for the Copa RANC Zona Baleares, the emotion has been served  until the third and last journey, where the winners have been selected in the Jornadas Náuticas Pituisas.

The departure of the fourth race of the event had to be delayed until 11.30h. Due to the light wind coming from the Southwest during the first half of the 15 miles, being the most intense compared to Es Vedrá, that made the competition finish in more than two hours.

The boats of less length had it worse and some of them, decided to turn on the motor to go towards the port, giving up on the regatta and the event of 2023.

Meanwhile, like in other past journeys Tomás Gasset and his team on board of the vessel “Urbania” were the first to cross the finish line, and to confirm another first position in their category, RI A, and as well being the absolute winner of the XXXIV regatta Jornadas Náuticas Pituisas. After first place being for “Urbania”, “Kim”, maintained second position overall and followed by “Alitan IV” closing the podium in third.

The boat “S’Indio III”, sponsored by the sailor of the Club Nàutic Sa Ràpita, Juan Lladó, has been proclaimed champion in the RI B  and fourth overall. In RI C, the boat “Blue Brothers 2” had a fright, but not sufficient enough to lose the advantage of the two first journeys and finished first position, on the other hand “El Gaitero Espada 0” with first place in the last journey, snatched second position of the boat “Adelaide” that could only be fifth in the race and finished third position in the group. 

In the ships of smaller length the class RI D, the classification has not varied much from what was lived and the only thing to point out was the draw between the boat “Kametimo” and “Poseidonia Uno”, resolving the draw in favor to the first place obtained in the second journey, leaving first position to “Maribel C” that has been the most regular of the group.


marina mahon, port mahon
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